Book Blurb

If you've come to this place chances are you've been looking for something for a long time. Maybe you feel like something is wrong with you. Maybe you feel like nothing at all.

I did.

By the time I was twenty-six I was riddled with chronic pain, and suffered from panic attacks, depression, and thoughts of suicide. I felt trapped in an alien body and an unhappy life. I consumed inspirational quotes like donuts; they filled my mind but never really gave me the solace or guidance that I craved. I found self-help books fascinating but often felt like I had somehow failed when I finished the book. Yoga, massage, and talk-therapy provided a temporary relief but no actual long-term change.

When I discovered, The Key, everything changed.

The truth I discovered as I healed my mind and body was so much more than 'seeing the light' it was everything I could see now that the lights were on.

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Author Bio

Carolyn Keir

A veteran Canadian television writer, director and producer, Schmidt, left television to pursue the truth full-time. Writer of the popular blog, The Self-help Tourist, she has been dipping her toes in to the waters of many different health modalities since her early twenties.
Carolyn Keir author photo